First off, I just want it known that my husband is an extremely loud and obnoxious typer, he's doing up essays for school, and if he doesn't finish soon, I may find an excuse to go to the store. His keys are seriously going to break into a zillion little bitty pieces.
Now that that's off my chest.
We were surprised with the fact that he had yesterday and today off. Apparently we need to learn to count better.
My Mom was awesome enough to volunteer to take Shannon for a few hours this morning, so I can sneak in some barn time. It's been two weeks, and all you horse people know, two weeks of not cleaning stalls is a bit like torture.
That and I got very far behind on all the barn gossip.
It felt so good to get out of the house, and do something semi productive. Not that raising my child isn't productive, because it is, and don't get me wrong, I love every second with her.
Even when she threw up on me at 3am this morning.
But when you spend 5-7 days a week at the barn, and then all the sudden you're sitting in the house with a screaming infant... you need a little bit of me time.
I was still pulling my weight at the barn 2 days before the little peanut was born, so it makes sense that I'd want to go back. That and Willow REALLY needs a beauty treatment. I dropped the kiddo off at my Mom's by 1030, and was at the barn before 11. Not to shabby in my opinion, since Shannon had us up every two hours on the dot last night (and of course has been sleeping all day today).
I helped B out with a couple stalls, and filled water buckets while she filled me in on all the barn gossip, which there was quite a bit of, then she left and I pulled Wil in for some beauty treatment. She looks like quite the wild thing.
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Look at all that hair! |
She made it quite clear that she preferred to be outside with her playmates, and almost kicked me right in the arm. Willow can be a real fruit loop, I'll tell you what. I love her a lot, but sometimes I'm convinced that that mare is totally bonkers. She stopped spinning and kicking and screaming when I pulled her buddy Donna in to give her some company.
She stood reasonably in her stall while I ran a brush over her, but I didn't attempt to pull her mane, since she hates it, and I was out in the barn all by my lonesome. Something told me that trying to balance on a stool (seeing as she's almost 17h, and I'm a very intimidating 5'3) while chasing her about the stall wasn't the best idea, so we'll wait on the hair styling until I have some backup. It was good for her to just come in and be fussed on a bit, seeing as how its been a while. If I've learned nothing at all, it's that taking the time to do ground work really pays off in the long run when you re-start them under saddle.
After the barn I picked up baby from her playtime at Nana's, and came home. She's a sleepy little thing today (Its tiring keeping her father and I up all night, I'm sure). I came up with the idea to do monthly pictures of her, in one of those cute little headbands with the flower, and I found a set on Etsy that will let me chose 12 different headband/flower combinations, so she can have a different one each month. I think it'll be a super cute way to commemorate her first year.
That's really all my afternoon amounted to. The little has been sleeping the afternoon away (I'm thinking growth spurt), so I feel a bit like I've been ignoring her, but I figure let sleeping dogs (or in this case, baby) lie. She's sleeping for a reason, and she'll wake up when she gets hungry...although it probably is time for a butt change. It's been nice to catch up on all my e-mails, and even research some joint supplements for Wil, who I'm guessing will need them come time for hard work. I was looking through my Omnibus and I want to shoot for the USDF bronze award this summer, if we are able to stay here long enough.
I'm off to go snuggle my girl (after she finishes growling at her father... she's decided that growling is a new fun thing.), and catch up on the episode of The Big Bang Theory that I missed last night, then get my fix of junk t.v. with some Dog the Bounty Hunter. I love that show. Who doesn't love badass Beth Chapman?!
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