So I guess I've been pretty horrible about keeping everybody updated. We've been super busy preparing for M's impending leave to SC for training, and that's meant us spending a lot more time as a family, than us spending time on our computers.
Prepare yourselves for family is just so amazing I can't help it.
Easter Sunday we all got dressed up (well kinda) and went to church with my Mom. Sunday service has always been an Easter tradition in my family, and while I've slacked a few years in a row, I have a family of my own and I want to keep it going. M is less than thrilled about the whole thing, but he put on his game face (and a tie!) and went with us. Shannon did GREAT and didn't lose her marbles until about 20 minutes to the end. M scooped her up, did the walk n' bounce by the door and crisis was averted.
Doesn't he look so handsome in a tie!? Shannon, on the other hand, just slept. Silly goose.
Before we went to church, however, my motivation switch got flipped and I set out on a tortureous lovely run. I had my new shoes on for the first time and this happened....
It brought me back down to a walk, and I was REALLY discouraged, but I just kept reminding myself that anything was better than sitting at home on the couch. I huffed and puffed through 2 miles before calling it good.
Hot shower + raw blisters = Screaming Cate.
Sunday night, we finally got the okay from our landlord to get a dog.
I've been wanting one since we got married, but he made it quite clear that we weren't allowed one in our rental agreement, so M said no everytime I asked.
I finally pestered him enough that he agreed we could get one as long as the landlord said that it was ok.
We looked on Petfinder for hours Sunday afternoon arguing about what kind of dog that we wanted. A friend of mine had found both her dogs at the Elmore SPCA so I decided to check out their website and see what they had going on. In the meantime M found another dog that he liked so we decided that we wanted to make a day trip over to NY on Monday.
Bright and early Monday morning we loaded up the baby and off we went!
Our first stop was a small shelter in Plattsburgh to look at a German Shephard x Rottie that both M and I agreed that we loved. Unfortunatly he was an 80 lb puppy who loved to jump, and the idea of dealing with both him and a new baby at the same time was really intimidating to me. The last thing I wanted was to be coming through the door with the baby and have him knock me over. He was a sweet, sweet boy, but just too big and too excited about everything.
M really liked him though, so we put in an app for him anyways and went to check out Elmore while we waited for it to be processed.
I had seen a Jack Russell x Cogi on the web site that I fell in love with, but M argued that she was too small and he HATED Jacks. I begged to see her anyways, and when they brought us outside I instantly fell in love with her. All the other dogs were barking and going nuts as soon as we opened the door, but she just ran over and sat by the door to her pen. Her tail was going a mile a minute, but she wasn't barking like a fool.
We brought her inside and she flopped over on her belly for some love, then very carefully sniffed Shannon in her car seat. When she licked Shannon's little hand, and Shannon started grinning the deal was sealed.
We had been told that another couple had come in and put in a application for her, but they hadn't been able to get ahold of them since. We made it known that we were ready to put in an app of our own and wanted to take her home that day. Within twenty minutes she was all ours! As we were walking out a lady pulled in and said that she was there to pick her up.
You snooze you lose.
So without further ado I present to you Ms. Dixie J!
She's hit the ground running with us, including taking a 4 hour round trip to NH to get M's liscene renewed and hitting up my sister's lacrosse game, and settled in perfectly. She sleeps in the room with us, and has already decided that the best place for her to sleep is by making a nest in our dirty clothes pile. She has a crate with a fluffy bed, but we haven't used it yet.
She has some little quirks. She really has something aganist the bed that we got her. Instead of sleeping on it she 'attacks' it and then starts humping the begeezues out of it. She is really pretty smart, however, and learned sit, lay down, come, and drop within the first 24 hours that she was home.
Milo is having some serious issues, and can't be within sight of her without getting all puffy and hissing. It's caused a few fights of the two cats ganging up on her, and Lucca tried to climb up my leg once. I was not so pleased about that.
Dixie loves 'her' baby, and usually isn't too far away.
Her favorite job is supervising tummy time, and keeping the cats away from her.
We had a few moments of peace yesterday...

But it didn't last very long. Alas.
Today we took advantage of the nice weather and went on a great three and a half mile family walk.
Yes. I am in a down jacket, and my husband is in a t-shirt. He's a freak of nature. :-) He sure looks great pushing that stroller though.
We live in such a nice area, with some great places to walk. I'm glad that we took advantage of the weather, and went exploring. I found a nice, safe route to take when it's just me, the dog, and the baby which was the most important thing to me. The views were beautiful to boot and the route has enough hills to make me feel like I'm actually accomplishing something, without killing myself. It was a great way to spend our last day together as a family for a little while.
Unfortunatly I've had NO barn time so far this week, because this is the first day that we've had that it hasn't been raining. That means that Willow has made no progress at all. M has a video of her, and I'm trying to figure out how to upload it off his phone. Mine was in the barn at the time. He's got one of those Andriod deals, so I'm at a loss. It's a totally different set up than my iPhone.
Oh well.
I'm off to go get the baby ready and we're going to get haircuts. My Mom is coming over to watch her so M and I can go out to dinner tonight. He leaves early tomorrow morning so the date night is much appreciated. I have the best Mommy!
Enjoy some pictures of the munchkin!
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